Below you will find updated information regarding the 2005 Indy 500. On this page we will be posting updated articles, odds and race information all pertaining to the 2005 Indy 500. Bookmark this page and check back often for updates.
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Indy 500 Recap -- Danica Patrick More Than A Gimmick
by Robert Ferringo - 06/01/2005
I'm not here to play shrink - I'm here to win money. But I'd be lying if I said that my attention on the 89th running of the Indianapolis 500 on Sunday was purely sporting. That is how it began, but as the day progressed and the action heightened, I couldn't help but let my mind wander towards the cosmic forces that were at work in my life on the day of racing's oldest and most prestigious occasion.
Read more about Danica Patrick in the Indy 500.
Days of Thunder Redux - Indy 500 Predictions
by Robert Ferringo - 05/26/2005
Do you remember the part in the movie Days of Thunder when Rowdy Burns, sidelined with a serious, career-threatening injury, asks his onetime nemesis and new best friend Cole Trickle to run his car for him at the Daytona 500? Trickle, who was trying to bounce back from his own debilitating injury, accepts the offer and races to glory, escalating the movie from an above average Randy Quaid flick to one of the best auto racing movies ever made with Cary Elwes in it.
Read more about Indy 500 predictions.
89th Indianapolis 500 - Indy 500 Analysis
by Chris, the Impaler - 05/23/2005
Before his untimely death at Imola, a Formula One driver, Brazilian Ayrton Senna said [a driver's goal was], "In life unbeatable, in death irreplaceable." More than 10 years after his death Indy Racing League Brazilian drivers are heeding Senna's motto. The 89th running of the Indianapolis 500 promises a difficult race for all teams and drivers -- Brazilians included -- when you consider the depth of competition, faster speeds (weather permitting) and advanced IndyCar technology this year.
Read more about Indy 500 Analysis.
Indy 500 Drivers
by Robert Ferringo - 05/24/2005
If you've ever put up a bid for something on eBay, you know the feeling of posting an offer for something that you're dying to have and then sweating it out those final 24 hours. You spend those last minutes waiting-watching-wanting, before some (expletive) tops your price about 20 minutes before those Duke-UNC tickets, or that autographed Slash guitar, or that Princess Amidala blow-up doll, was going to be yours. The feeling is sort of like some guy smashing a beer bottle over your head, kicking you in the kidneys and then leaving the bar with your drunken girlfriend.
Read more about Indy 500 drivers.
Indy 500 History
by Robert Ferringo - 05/23/2005
In this age of "extreme" reality programming, I want to throw an idea out there: let's take 33 men and women from all across the globe, strap them into scientifically engineered machinery that generates the same amount of G-force as a space shuttle, place them side-by-side at nearly 200 mph and make them race around a 2.5 mile track 200 times. Pretty insane stuff, eh?
Read more about Indy 500 history.
Indy 500 Facts and Figures
by Robert Ferringo - 05/23/2005
Okay, so this may not be everything you want to know about the Indianapolis 500, but it's gotta be pretty close. From interesting facts and figures about the track and its history to some random tidbits about Indy racing-related stuff, read on so you can be That Guy next Sunday that's dropping knowledge about the race in order to impress your racin' buddies and/or their sexy-but-is-she-old-enough girlfriends.
Read more about Indy 500 facts and figures.
Indy 500 Odds Page
by Doc's Sports
Below you will find information on 2005 Indy 500 odds and tips on betting the 2005 Indy 500.
Read more about Indy 500 Odds.